The Chiltern Valley Loop
MAP Rutherglen
This ride takes you through once rich gold mining country, with Mullock Heaps (gold mine tailings) a common sight, and through the Box Ironbark National Forest.
• Starting at the Rutherglen Wine Experience, ride south-east along Main Street.
• After a kilometre this turns into the Chiltern Rutherglen Road. Follow for some 18 kilometres into Chiltern.
• On arriving into Chiltern turn right into Albert Road (or continue into town for refreshments).
• Continue straight (Albert Road will subsequently turn into Bridge Road and Wenkes Road) and then turn right into Chiltern Valley Road for the return journey. This quiet country road leads you through Chiltern Valley, before re-joining the Chiltern- Rutherglen Road and continuing into Rutherglen.

Find Your Ride
Cool down in the lake and picnic along the way, wherever your bike takes you there’s only one to remember; there are no rules except to find your own pace and see where you end up.