1 out of 6
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With the breeze in your hair and the hum of an engine, the world passes by differently in a convertible. Then again, the solitude, comfort and view afforded by a smooth driving saloon is second to none.

I’m in charge of this trip and I’m putting my foot down.

I’m still in charge, but life is best taking it slow from the back seat.
Luxury Saloon
2 out of 6
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Music is almost as important as food itself. But how you hear it is personal. The idiosyncratic crackle of a vinyl recording provides a warmth and nostalgia prized by the converts. Then again, live music is the only way to see the performance itself, to be in the presence of the artist, perhaps hearing and seeing things for the first time.

Exactly how it was intended.
Vinyl Ok!

Live music is the only way to experience the artist at the top of their game.
Live Music
3 out of 6
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Are you excited by the thrill of last minute bookings, being spontaneous and by chance happenings or do you need to have things planned, sorted and booked in advance, schedule in hand?

Life is an adventure.
Anything Goes

I need to know it’s under control.
Planned Please
4 out of 6
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With your best dress on or suit pressed, dinner is best with silver cutlery, crystal glasses and service to match.
Or perhaps, a gentle breeze, a blanket and the fading sun provides the best atmosphere and company.

All dressed up with a place to go! The fine dining experience is the only way to fly.
Fine Dining

Al fresco romance by moonlight is what life should be about. Casual cool thanks.
Al Fresco
5 out of 6
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Sometimes the best experiences require the special talents of a partner in crime.
Sometimes it’s a whole crew.

Special times, are best with someone special.
Lovers Only

Share it with my friends.
Social Animal
6 out of 6
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There are different ways to get in touch with nature. Sometimes you need to sit cross legged and knock on the sky, other times you’ll only find what you’re looking for by getting your hands dirty. Is nature best experienced when you’re part of it or as a witness to all her splendour?

I prefer to keep my feet dry. I can see from here.
Dry Feet

Let’s go for a swim, the water’s great.
Dive In